

Cradle of Cecina

Salting beef was very important in the trade of Astorga historically. As far back as the "Agricultural Treaty" from the IV Century B.C., Lucius Junius Comunela Moderato (s. IV BC) mentions the cecina in its pages.
Due to its cold and dry climate, the area of Astorga enjoys a privileged position for the production of cecina, hams and cold meats, the local food industry has had great acclaim with cecina as the leading product of the handmade production process.

The bi-millenary city Asturica Augusta was founded by Emperor Augusto around 15 B.C. Since then, the city has been a strategic communication location which, still today, enables quick distribution of products like cecina, chocolate, pastries, confectionery, cured meats or its famous cocido maragato (maragato stew).
Today, there are 12 companies in Astorga and its surroundings that make cecina. They produce nearly 50% of cecina made in Spain, which makes Astorga the Capital of Cecina.
The Regulatory Councils of the cecina and of the mantecados (a pastry made with almonds) are based in Astorga.

How to reach us

Visit us and know Cecinas Pablo

Our modern installation are located in the industrial zone of Astorga, capital of  “la Maragatería”. You can take the exit 329 from the A-6.

Poligono Industrial de Astorga, Parcelas 51-53
24700 Astorga (León, España)

987 602 861